Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When can I expect to receive information about my patient after an emergency visit or specialist consultation?
A: We’ll send you a written report within 48 hours of any emergency visit or consultation. Depending on your preference, we’ll send it electronically (via email), by fax or regular mail. On particularly urgent or complex cases, we may call you sooner to discuss treatment and ongoing management. We also are available by phone to answer any questions you may have.
Q: When will you send the patient back to my practice?
A: Once any specialized treatment we provide is completed, the patient is returned to your practice for ongoing care. Plus, since we’re a referral-only specialty practice, your patient’s primary care needs remain under your management at all times, and we will only treat the condition for which it was referred.
Q: What should my client expect during a specialist consultation?
A: Most initial consultations entail a thorough patient evaluation during which our specialist will conduct a physical examination, take a detailed patient history and order any additional diagnostic testing that may be necessary (with your client’s approval). Once a diagnosis is established, our specialist will discuss treatment options with your client and provide an itemized estimate of the costs.
Q: Do you offer continuing education for primary care veterinarians?
A: Yes, we offer regular educational sessions on a range of topics that provide CE credit. Please contact our Referral Coordinator for the latest schedule. These usually are dinner meetings held at our facility in Buford. If there are specific topics you would like to learn more about, please let us know.
Q: What about lunch-and-learn presentations for staff at my practice?
A: Yes, for your convenience, we’re happy to conduct lunchtime presentations onsite at your practice. Just contact our Referral Coordinator to discuss the specialty service topic you’re interested in and potential dates. We’ll handle the rest.
Q: How can I order NGVS handout materials for my practice?
A: Simply contact us and we’ll make sure you have all the supplies you need 678.835.3300.